High blood sugar is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, which in turn can lead to the development of diseases and disorders, including cardiovascular disease. Improving your lifestyle by eating a healthy, balanced diet and staying active is essential to counteract this condition. While it is important to eat a varied and nutritious diet, some specific foods and strategies can help maintain blood sugar levels. The following are the main suggestions, but it should be noted that they do not replace expert advice, especially if diabetes is diagnosed or suspected.

Paying attention to the glycaemic index of foods

The glycaemic index (GI) of a food measures its impact on blood sugar levels. Tthe higher the GI, the faster the blood glucose level rises after eating a certain food. Choosing foods with a low GI can therefore be a good strategy for controlling blood sugar, but it is also important to pay attention to the glycaemic load of the meal, which takes into account the amount of carbohydrate introduced. The carbohydrates with the lowest glycaemic index are barley, spelt, oats, buckwheat, cereal bread, pulses and vegetables. There are also milk-based products like Pep2Dia for diabetes prevention.

Lowering blood sugar levels through physical activity

Regular physical activity is one of the basic principles of good health. These good habits also help to regulate blood sugar levels. Any type of exercise is good, as long as it is compatible with your health needs. It is advisable to stay active because exercise not only lowers blood sugar levels (because muscles use glucose), but also increases insulin sensitivity, thus correcting one of the causes of diabetes. In addition, regular physical activity helps to maintain a balanced body weight, which is important because being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It has been observed that a 7% reduction in weight (if overweight) can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 58%.

Lowering blood sugar levels with good hydration

While a healthy diet and active lifestyle can improve blood sugar levels, good hydration can also help. Drinking enough fluids rehydrates the blood and lowers blood sugar levels. Based on the population's baseline nutrient and energy intake, an adult should consume an average of 2 litres of water per day for women and 2.5 litres for men.